Rose-ringed Parakeet

Rose-ringed Parakeet, not more than the size of a myna but has a long pointed tail.  It's green colour is a unique one and it camouflages itself very easily when on a tree.  It is difficult for a common that is a phone camera to capture a parakeet and differentiate between the leaves and the bird.  It is a commonly found bird and is a part of our folk - lore across the country.  However, it has unique features and that is it's round red coloured beak and its ability to hang on to a fruit on a tree up-side down and peck and eat it, as if defying the gravity.   They are found flocking in large groups and are fond of  eating fruits, berries, nuts, grains and seeds.  

They are caged the most for their ability to mimic our languages making them vulnerable to extinction.  

Parakeets hold an esteemed position in our culture as a symbol of love and friendship.  It is the vahana of God Kamadeva.  Goddess Meenakshi of Madurai, holds a Parakeet in the right hand.  So does, Goddess Kamakshi of Kanchipuram.  And, Aandal Amman, the only female Alvars, holds a parakeet in her left hand and that acted as the messenger to Lord Vishnu.  One of the Hasta Mudras - "Shuka Tundakaha" from Abhinaya Darpana is used widely in Bharat Natyam and Kuchipudi dance forms.


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