Indian Robin

Indian Robins, commonly known as 'Dev Chakli' in Gujarati, loves to live in a garden like place, with enough trees and flower beds which could supply it with insects to feed on. It is an insect eater and cleanses our garden by eating pests which normally destroys plants. So with the natural pest control at our hand, please avoid using pesticides and insecticides as that harms them. 

The Robins are a beautiful sight. The male bird is black with white stripes on the edge of its wings, while the female bird is brown in colour. These are very agile birds, singing continuously and hopping around with their tails moving up and down looking for insects for their chicks. We are sharing photographs of one such Robin family in our garden with their little chicks. 


  1. Hi, where they are likely to nest?

    1. They are likely to nest in wall cavities, window sils and cardboard boxes designed for them.


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