Common Iora

Every morning we wake up to the beautiful distinct song sung by the yellow and brown coloured bird.  It is known as the Common Iora or Shaubigee.  A very shy and an illusive bird of the size of a sparrow, we found it extremely difficult to record its song as well as take a good picture as it remains hidden in trees.

Thanks to one enthusiast young bird watcher Shonit Aurora from our group that we could get some real good pictures and a video which is presented in today's blog.

Spread across the Asian Sub-continent, common Iora, has a beautiful yellow and blackish brown plumage.  Many a times we confuse it with a weaver bird or the oriental white eye but one can immediately identify a common Iora by its melodious song and mating calls.  primarily an insect eater, it relishes wild fruits and nectar.   Most active during Summer months, they lay two to four eggs and both the parents take equal responsibility in rearing the chicks.

The above picture is by Mr. Noor Rathod, a nature photographer and our friend from Halol in Panchmahals, Gujarat.


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