
Shikra - An Avid Hunter

Shikra, a small bird of prey are also known as Banded Goshawk and are found in entire Indian Sub-continent. Though its small in size, its a excellent hunter of smaller birds and even small mammals like squirrels, lizards and chameleons. In the mornings and evenings, you can hear sharp two note call of Shikra and flipping sound. Resident to India and Africa, this small but powerful birds, could be found even in vicinity of cities and town, especially in parks and places where there is green cover. Males have grey upper body with yellowish-white underbelly while females have brownish appearance with banded design. A curved beak, sharp eyesight, deadly talons combined with speed, they instill fear in smaller birds on arrival.

A pair of Shikra is permanent resident of our society and few days back we were lucky to have a male bird visiting out garden with its prey - chick of Common Mynah. The photographs presented here are Shikra perched on our Kadamba tree with its prey held firmly in its talons. 


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