Indian Treepie

Treepie is a good looking bird of the size of Mynah with a long tail. It is quite a common resident of the gardens and compounds with good vegetation.  It can make various kinds of noises and are very vocal during mating season. Its black head and chestnut brown feathers with white belly make them stand out among other birds. A beautiful long tail feather and curved sharp beak give it a majestic look.

They are spread across the subcontinent but mostly over the areas with good amount of rainfall.  It survives on insects, fruits and is a notorious thief of eggs and small chicks of other birds, it also hunts down lizard and small rodents.  Treepies are very aggressive and can defend itself against bigger birds quite well. 

We have a pair of Indian Treepie living in our society for past few years, whose photographs are presented in this blog.    


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