Coppersmith Barbet

Living in a city like Ahmedabad and waking up to a call of Coppersmith Barbet is enthralling for any nature lover.  Many a mornings we could hear distinct sound of  "tuk... tuk... tuk...", while sipping a cup of tea.  Since then, many a times we saw this beautiful little  bird called Coppersmith Barbet or કંસારો, ટુક ટુકિયો in Gujrati, hopping from one branch to another to avoid our attention.  The "tuk... tuk... tuk..." sounds like a hammer of a coppersmith beating a copper sheet and hence the name Coppersmith of this Barbet.

These birds are generally Fruit eaters and are found mainly near the trees of the ficus family.   They are generally solitary birds and shy to show itself around and gets camouflaged in the canopy of trees.  It is the distinct sound which helps you pinpoint the bird.  They carve up a hole in the tree trunk for nesting.

Photo courtesy : Noor Rathod



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