Oriental Garden Lizard

Each and every creation of Nature is equally important for sustaining and balancing Life on Earth.  Birds, animals, insects, trees and reptiles all play a very crucial role of balancing and co-existence.  Our today's friend featured in our blog is the commonly found reptile known as Oriental Garden Lizard and કાંચિડો in Gujrati.  Their habitat includes forested areas and open lands, farms, rural areas and gardens in urban areas.  They are non-venomous and harmless reptiles, generally living on trees and bushes and helping us in controlling the insects and pests which other wise would eat away plants and crops.  Unfortunately, they are misunderstood and feared by majority of the urbanites.  

The male Oriental Garden Lizard has a prominent blackish collar below the neck and during the mating season displays bright orange shade on it's neck and head.  They also have thick scales which resembles the mane of a lion.  Female Oriental Garden Lizards are more delicate and sleek in look.  After the mating season the female digs a hole in the ground and lays about 8 to 10 eggs before covering it with mud and dry leaves making the nest completely invisible to human eyes.  

Their existence in our gardens depends on the health of the plants and the soil which needs to be free of poisonous pesticides and insecticides.   Let us stop using such harmful chemicals in our gardens, so that we can preserve our little friends who are dependent on us for their survival.


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