Blue tailed Bee- eater

Bee-eaters as the name suggests, are efficient while catching flying insects mid-air. They are colourful birds in hues of blue, yellow and green. You can identify them from the long single feather in their tail, which looks majestic. They catch a flying insect amazingly fast and return to their place with the catch to enjoy the meal. Bee-eaters are usually found near water bodies and in open areas away from the hustle bustle of an inhabited place. Many a times while travelling, we see many birds perched on overhead electricity lines, by the side of the highways or village roads - they are mostly Bee-eaters. There are different types of Bee-eaters, but today we are presenting to you the Blue tailed Bee-eaters, photographed by our friend Keyur Sheth, a passionate and well-known wild life photographer based out of Ahmedabad.


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