Red Vented Bulbul

We wake up to the calls of many birds every morning!    

One of them, is Bulbul. There are different types of Bulbuls, but the most commonly found in our gardens and backyards are Red Vented Bulbul. All Bulbuls have an iconic crest over their heads, which make them stand out of the rest of the birds.  

Bulbuls are noisy and they like to boss around the other little birds to an extent of damaging the other birds' nests and eggs. At times they get into the territorial fight with birds bigger in size fearlessly.  

Bulbuls love to eat insects, grains and peck on fruits as well. It is a real taster of fruits, the one it pecks is the sweetest and juiciest of the lot.  

We are sharing with you a video of  Bulbul mother and a chick from our school compound.  

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