Red-wattled Lapwing - ટીટોડી

Red-wattled Lapwing is a bird commonly seen and found in Indian Sub-continent. Very agile, vocal and graceful bird who always protects her nest on the ground by trying to misguide intruders, which is known as the broken wing pattern.

It has a significance in Indian Mythology. The story goes that during the Mahabharata War in Kurukshetra, once a Lapwing approached Lord Krishna and asked about the safety and security of her nest on the ground, owing to the large scale destruction everywhere.  Lord Krishna, helps the little bird by putting a wheel over the nest to protect it.

This is a ground bird, it builds its nest on the ground and is astoundingly camouflaged near a water body.  It constantly guards over her nest and gives out an alarm call every now and then because of the movements of the animals and humans. In a agrarian society it also has status of farmer's friend. Call of a Lapwing during summer and monsoon helps farmers in predicting rains. 


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