Common Myna

Common Myna the 'Big Mouth' among the Indian Birds loves to chatter all the time. They are always found in a flock. Mynas like human company and often are found near human gatherings and congregations. They are the most adaptive birds and have especially developed the taste for the left-overs of the cooked food. Some of them have learned the art of looting - will straight attack your plate and take the bites of roti, puri or bhajis and whatever might fancy them.  

Mynas are little smaller then pigeon in size, dark brown in colour with a characteristic yellow beak and yellow patch around the eyes. These birds are very temperamental in nature and creates ruckus wherever they are. Mynas are a common sight throughout our country and the other parts of the Indian sub-continent. The name Myna has been derived from its common name across the country in different languages but in Gujarati language it is known as 'Kabar'.

Mynas are known to steal eggs and chicks of other birds whenever opportunity arises and their diet mainly consists of seeds, fruits, insects and carrion, sometimes. Vocal that they are, also raise alarm when they see predators and doesn't hesitate to attack bigger birds or mammals if they see danger lurking around.



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