Blue Rock Pigeon
Blue Rock Pigeons are the most adaptive of birds and are found world over. They are always found in flocks and these birds are found to nest anywhere and everywhere, also in the galleries and window sills of high rise buildings as they are not afraid of human population. Because of their close proximity to humans they have been trained throughout history to carry messages, Pigeons eat everything from seeds, fruits to worms and insects too. Their size is almost of a crow, with slaty blue colour and a mix of green, purple and blue sheen on the neck. Many cities face severe problem of cleaning and maintenance of important heritage and famous structures due to droppings of pigeons. They make a classic 'gootr goo' sound, which all of us have heard sometime or the other. The Pigeon family members have been made mascot or symbol of 'Peace', but truly speaking they are quarrelsome and noisy birds. For whatever, they might be, in India, we consider it our reli...