The Neem Tree

The tree that we see around us but fail to notice it as it has been here forever. At this time of the year the Neem tree puts on a blanket of splendour and beauty with its new tender copper coloured leaves and white tiny blossoms. It becomes a treasure trove for bees, birds and animals and creates its own eco-system. It is one of the sturdiest trees to survive the summer months in hottest of the places and is commonly found in Indian Subcontinent. Many a times the common becomes uncommon. In our culture the Neem tree is known to purify air, has great medicinal value and provides ample of shade during the scorching heat of summer months. Traditionally, twigs of Neem are used as brush to clean the teeth as it anti-bacterial and is known to help in strengthening the gums and teeth. The bark of the tree has the capacity of treating the skin problems. The concoction made by grinding the tender leaves and white blossoms if drank during this time of the month of Chaitra regulates the blood pressure, purifies the blood and prepares the body for the heat of the Summer Season. Neem water used in bathing solves all skin problems and heat related issues. Neem oil from Neem fruits relieves one of all body and head ailments.

Isn't it a wonderous tress? Indeed !

We celebrate many festivals like Gudi Padwa, Chaitri Narvaratri, Bishu, Poila Boisakh, Puthandu, Cheti Chand,Ugadi, Bihu, Baisakhi and many more from the North Eastern States of India, during this time of the year. These are mostly related to the harvest season as we are an agrarian society. Many of these festivals mark the beginning of a new year. In Gudi Padwa it is customary to chew the tender Neem leaves and in Ugadi festival, the symbolic Pachadi is made with ingredients symbolizing 6 tastes/rasas of life. Neem blossoms are one of these ingredients.

Nature, the God who created us has given us many such trees, plants and ingredients which helps us in living healthy life. Unfortunately, with the advent of technology and increased human greed, we are destroying the nature which gives us everything that we need.... 

The bitter taste of Neem, is sweetening human life for millions of years. Lets preserve it and give little space to the Neem sapling this summer around our home, garden, locality.... 

Neem tree leaves and white tiny blossoms


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