
Showing posts from January, 2022

Oriental White Eye/ Indian White Eye

A tiny little bird, which hardly is visible due to it's small size, it's ability to camouflage itself and it's constant flying around the place.   Greyish and yellowish coloured bird with a prominent white circle around the eye distinguishes itself from other smaller birds.  Because of the white ring around it's eye it is called Shwetakshi.  It prefers dense bushes and smaller tree.s for nesting. They feed on small insects and nectar.   It was after an effort of almost four months that we bring to you the photographs of the Oriental White Eye in our own garden. By the time you get ready with the camera the bird gets completely out of sight. And again you have to look for it pin point it as it never sits still at a place.

Kanchanar Tree - Bauhinia

Kanchanar Trees are laden with beautiful flowers during onset of winter, it blooms to the fullest.  The beautiful flower are found in threes shades of purple, pink and white.  It is spread across the Asian Continent.   It is known as bauhinia and other common names includes Mountain Ebony and Kanchanar in the Indian Subcontinent. It attracts a lot of bees, insects and honey suckling birds and monkeys during the flowering season. We are sharing with you photographs of one such tree fully laden with Kanchanar flowers in Ahmedabad.

White Browed Fantail Flycatcher

Wagging a tail is normally synonymous to dogs but today we are presenting a bird, which is known as Fantail because of its habit of wagging its tail continuously. White Wagtail is a bird of medium size with black upper feathers and white belly. Mainly surviving on insects, these birds are found in open spaces and grasslands with water bodies.  The Fantails have been found in many continents and are a common sight near habitats.  It also features on postal stamps of many countries. The video and photographs of this wagtail is taken in Indroda Nature Park, Gandhinagar.