
Showing posts from March, 2021

House Sparrows

Small and tiny creatures of the avian family are noisy members and agile. They love flying around and chat incessantly with their fellow beings. Once their sight was very common in our houses but it has changed due to rapid urbanization.   Let us all make it possible for them to survive as well by making some room/space in our garden or balcony by making small nests for them. We have made an effort of making a nest out of a cardboard box, now waiting for the sparrows to come and furnish it to make it a comfortable nest.  You can make it too. Use only brown coloured cardboard box and make a small hole of the size of a sparrow. Once it is done put it up on a firm place on a branch or in your balcony, beyond the reach of cats and dogs. Also, put some grains and water at the eye level of the birds. Make it a daily practice to supply grains and water. Never give cooked food to birds and animals. Once they start coming to your place and once they start believing in you they wil...
It is said that Nature is the best teacher.  It is time that we took a pause from our busy lives and looked around us and be grateful of the abundance that we have around.  it is time to nurture our children with the same value. The pandemic has brought in this urge to go back to our roots and appreciate Nature around us.  Let us, parents, come together for a cause, which is to bring awareness about Nature amongst our children. Click on the link below to register and be a part of community who cares for every living being that we share our Planet (home) with. Link to the registration form of  'Young Birdwatcher's Club'.